

Versatile Industrial Heat and Energy Solutions

1. Finned Tube Radiators
2. Shell & Tube Condenser

Heat Exchangers

1. 400mm inner diameter to 1600mm ID
2. Inner surface lined with Refractory Bricks

Concrete Chimney

1. Built-in Flash steam vessel
2. Pneumatic / Steam operated with flow meter

Condensate Recovery Pump

1. Small Industries Boiler – 2pass with APH & Dust Collector
2. IBR – Horizontal multi-tubular VAPTRA
3. IBR – Water Wall combo – VAPCOM
4. Electric modular steam generators

Stream Boiler

1. Wood / Briquette / Agro-Waste / Gas / Liquid fuel
2. LPG / LNG / PNG / Diesel / Furnace Oil

Thermic Fluid Heater

1. Air pre-heater cum Fly ash separator with
2. minimal pressure drops


1. Non pressurized @ 90°C
2. Pressurized up to 140°C

Hot Water Generator

1. Non pressurized @ 90°C
2. Pressurized up to 140°C

Bulk Storage Tanks